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Public debriefing from the 25th BEREC plenary

Event Date: 16 December 2015
Event Location: Brussels, Belgium

On 16 December 2015 in Brussels, BEREC  held a public debriefing for presenting the results from its 25th BEREC plenary (10 - 11 December 2015 in London, United Kingdom)
During the debriefing the 2015 BEREC Chair Fatima Barros introduced with main outcomes of the 25th BEREC plenary meeting. The incoming  2016 BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler informed on the outcomes of the public consultation on the  BEREC Work Programme 2016, that was approved during the plenary meeting.

Presentation on the outcomes of the 25th BEREC plenary meetings.

The public debriefing was web-streamed and the video of the debriefing is available here.
Full speeches or parts of them may be reused for internal documentation, public communication activities or pedagogical projects.