24th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Riga
The 24th BEREC plenary meeting took place on 1 and 2 October 2015 in Riga (Latvia), kindly hosted by Public Utilities Commission (SPRK).
The plenary meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2015 – Prof. Fátima Barros – President of the Board of ANACOM (Portugal).
On 30 September 2015 in Riga, prior to the 24th BEREC Plenary Meeting, BEREC organised a plenary workshop, which was dedicated to the following 2 topics:
- price transparency and regulatory oversight regarding cross border parcels delivery;
- migration to all-IP networks.
During the plenary meetings, the BoR approved for publication:
- BEREC IR Benchmarking Report October 2014 - March 2015
- BEREC Report on Regulatory Accounting in practice 2015
- BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 WAP in the EU
- BEREC Report on the Public Consultation on Document “Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union”
BoR approved for public consultations the following documents:
Draft BEREC Work Programme 2016 (from 2 October - 30 October)
Draft BEREC Report on equivalent access and choice for disabled end-users
(from 2 October - 30 October)
Draft BEREC Report on OTT services (from 5 October to 2 November 2015);
Draft BEREC Report on Enabling IoT (from 5 October to 6 November 2015)
BEREC has also decided to organise a public hearing on its draft Work Programme 2016 and on the draft Report on IoT during the forthcoming 3rd meeting of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum on 15 October 2015 in Brussels. In accordance with BEREC’s policy on public consultations, the BoR will publish reports summarising how stakeholders’ views have been taken into account, together with all individual contributions, taking into account stakeholders’ requests for confidentiality (if any).
BoR approved for internal use the following documents:
- Project Requirements Document (PRD) on BEREC Report on the Wholesale Roaming Market Review;
- PRD on the BEREC answer to EC request on the wholesale roaming market and fair use of roaming services;
- Up-dated BEREC Style Guide.
The BoR discussed the Digital Single Market (DSM) and the forthcomingreview of the Regulatory Framework for electronic communications.
The BoR took note of the information provided in the following Reports:
- Information on the electronic voting procedures since the 23rd plenary meetings (4-5 June 2015, Bergen);
- 2015 BEREC Work Programme (WP) status update.
The BoR was briefed in relation to several other important topics, as follows:
- the on-going final work on the proposal for Regulation on the Telecom Single Market(TSM);
- the 3rd BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting (15 October 2015, Brussels);
- the state of work on the key projects developed by the BEREC Office in support of BEREC’s activity, such as: information sharing portal, training for NRAs’ experts on the implementation of the Regulatory Framework for eCommunications in the EU, provision of an audio visual conference system for BEREC meetings and the development of the collaborative platform BERECnet;
- the recent and forthcoming BEREC International activities.
The next meeting of the BoR will take place on10 and 11 December 2015 in London (United Kingdom) and will be hosted by the Office of Communications (Ofcom).
BEREC Office Management Committee (MC)
The BEREC Office MC discussed current issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office.