18th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Sweden
BEREC held its 18th meeting on 27 and 28 February 2014 in Stockholm (Sweden), kindly hosted by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority(PTS). This was the first plenary meeting under the chairmanship of the BEREC Chair 2014 - Mr Göran MARBY - Director-General of PTS.
The meeting was divided into 2 parts, namely: meeting of the Board of Regulators and meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office. The meeting was preceded by a workshop with the stakeholders on the review of the Commission Recommendation on relevant markets, which took place on 26 February 2014 in Stockholm.
The mains results of the meeting are as follows:
Board of Regulators (BoR)
The BoR approved for publicationa BoR Decision on BEREC Expert Working Groups(EWGs) and the International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report: April – September 2013.
The BoR also approved for public consultation the draft BEREC report on monitoring the quality of internet access services in the context of net neutrality.The consultation will run in the period 17 March – 28 April 2014.
The BoR discussed the cooperation between BEREC with the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) and approved for signature a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between the two organisations.
The BoR discussed the following important topics:
1. The review of the Commission Recommendation on relevant markets
The BoR discussed the review of the Commission Recommendation on relevant markets in the light of the discussion held during the Workshop with stakeholder organised by BEREC on 26 February 2014 in Stockholm and decided to continue the discussion at Heads level during a dedicated meeting.
2. The 2nd BEREC Stakeholder forum meeting
The BoR decided to organise the 2nd BEREC stakeholder forum meeting in October 2014 in Brussels. The exact date and place of the meeting will be communicated at a later stage to the public.
3. The BEREC medium term strategy outlook and the structure of the BEREC EWGs
The BoR decided to start work on the revision of the BEREC medium term strategy outlook with a view to finalising the process in December 2014.
4. BEREC’s involvement in the European Commission Expert Group (EG) 3 of the Smart Grids Task Force.
The BoR decided that it would be beneficial for the telecommunications sector if BEREC would follow closely the discussion in EG3 and contributes actively to it from a telecommunications regulatory perspective. In that respect the BEREC EWGs concerned were asked to establish a dedicated work stream, which could support BEREC’s representatives in the EG3.
5. BEREC’s communication plan and a strategy for 2014.
Management Committee of the BEREC Office
The BEREC Office Management Committee discussed all issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office. The Management Committee approved the following decisions:
1. Establishment of an Advisory Group for the BEREC Office;
3. BEREC Office MC Decision on the appointment of the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office.
For more information on the outcome of the meetings you can consult the meeting conclusions provided below.
Last up-date:13 March 2014