Summary report on the outcomes of the workshop on IoT technologies and their impact on regulation

On 1 February 2017, BEREC held an expert Workshop on the Internet of Things (IoT) bringing together experts and stakeholders to discuss the regulatory implications and solutions required to ensure a large-scale and sustainable IoT roll-out, in order to deliver significant benefits to citizens and consumers across different industries.With this workshop, BEREC provided a forum for dialogue between national regulatory authorities and authorities which are competent for other matters regarding the IoT as well as with other stakeholders in the industry in order to create awareness and foster both an innovation- and consumer-friendly environment.While telecom-specific topics (such as scarce resources and interoperability) were tackled, the Workshop also considered broader issues pertaining to innovation and investment, consumer rights and data privacy. The first session of the Workshop focused on privacy, network security and consumers’ rights, while the second session dealt with the diversity of business models and interoperability. The topic of scarce resources (numbers and frequencies) was the focus of session 3, and IoT industry use cases relating to energy and transportation were presented in session 4. Opening remarks were given by the BEREC Chair 2017 Sebastien Soriano, and Dr Steven Unger, BEREC Vice-Chair 2016, closed the workshop.

Document number: BoR (17) 40
Document date: 24 February 2017
Date of registration: 08 March 2017
Document type:
Author: BEREC