Monitoring quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality BEREC report
This two year’s project is based on exchange of expertise and building of know-how on the monitoring of quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality among regulators. The report describes available quality monitoring methods and provides recommendation for future quality monitoring systems. In addition the report examines the possibility and the pros and cons of establishing a common opt-in quality monitoring system. Internet access service quality monitoring systems cover two main use cases: Providing transparency on the quality of the Internet access service for end users and Regulatory supervision through monitoring of quality of the Internet access service with regard to potential degradation of service.
The consultation of the draft report was published on the BEREC website, inviting stakeholders to send their comments by the 28th April 2014. A total of 20 replies were received from a range of organisations, including consumer associations, Internet service providers (ISPs), content & application providers (CAPs) as well as measurement providers.