Summary of the Outcomes of the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting, 16.10.2014, Brussels

On 16 October 2014, BEREC held the 2nd meeting of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum in Brussels with a view to strengthening the dialogue on issues of strategic importance between BEREC and the relevant stakeholders. This meeting was organised in accordance with a decision of the Board of Regulators of 25 February 2014.

The BEREC Stakeholder Forum has been established with a view to providing a direct interactive platform for discussion between BEREC and its stakeholders. This platform supports the traditional consultation process taking place before the adoption of final versions of BEREC documents.

The meeting was attended by high-level representatives of the stakeholder associations at European level active in the fields of competence of BEREC; the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) primarily responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services established in the EU member states, the EFTA states and the states that are candidates for accession to the EU; and the European Commission.

A summary of the outcome of the event is provided below, together with the list of organisations present at the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder meeting (provided in Annex I and the list of published documents (provided in Annex II).