BEREC Work Programme 2016

The annual Work Programme (WP) is the basis for the work to be developed by BEREC. Its early preparation enables a broad gathering of views from the EWG-Chairs, the Commission, the NRAs and the BEREC Office and a timely discussion of the matters BEREC should address in its Work Programme 2016 (WP2016).

Furthermore an effective resource allocation will be facilitated.The BEREC Incoming Chair started in spring this year  (2015) with a comprehensive call for input. An outline of the Work Programme 2016 and a list of topics have been discussed at CN-Meeting in Budva aiming at balancing and prioritizing the issues to be included. A redrafted list of topics based on the CN discussion and comments was distributed to the Heads asking to prioritise the proposed topics. The outcome was presented at the plenary in Bergen and the Heads were asked to balance and comment on the draft outline and draft list of topics.Another call for inputs was submitted to the EWG-Chairs in June asking for their detailed input for each deliverable contained in the revised list of topics.

The complete draft was discussed at the CN3-Meeting in Baden and the comments made or received afterwards were duly taken into account. Following discussion of the heads, the final result was approved with some changes for public consultation at the plenary meeting in Riga.The public consultation took place from 2 until 30 October 2015 with an oral hearing at the Stakeholder Forum in Brussels on 15 October 2015. 14 stakeholders have provided their valuable contributions. A report of the public consultation (including a short BEREC evaluation of the contributions) was drafted by the BEREC Office. Some minor changes were made to the Work Programme 2016 based on the EWGs inputs taking into account the stakeholders’ contributions. Some further adjustments were made based on the contributions received following CN4.

Document number: BoR (15) 213
Document date: 10 December 2015
Date of registration: 11 December 2015
Author: BEREC